Letters from successful Clients

Navi lost 85kgs and it took her 11 months. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I could achieve these results. I need to thank Penny and her team for their unconditional support and motivation and believing in me. This is the only diet I would recommend.

Neil 55years - Pietermaritzburg The doctor told me that I was an accident waiting to happen my Sugar was high; I was on blood pressure and cholesterol medication. After losing 35kgs in 12 weeks my sugar was normal and I was off all medication. I feel 25 again and cannot believe how I allowed myself to become so unhealthy. A big thank you to Penny and her team for making me feel unbelievable.

Janet - unemployed and desperate I have tried all the diets on the market with out much success. I thought I would give this programme a chance. I lost 18kgs in 12 weeks. I no longer looked old and frumpy my confidence improved and was able to find employment, working with the public. This would never have happened while I was over weight.

Desiraye Naidoo and I am 33 years old Well what do you know the Best Weight loss programme lives up to its Name . After all the torture I put myself through for 3 months it is so worth it. All my life I have been health conscious and always ate healthily and exercised regularly. My daughter is now 5 years old and I have been married for 6 years already. Both my husband and daughter love good food and I love to cook for them. My weight has always been constant for the past 10 years until last year when I had put on an additional 5 kg's and became absolutely uncomfortable with that extra weight. I had to do something about it. I had always dressed appropriately so no one even noticed I had 5 kg's extra on me. But I just couldn't let go of that uncomfortable feeling. I must say though that I have not gotten so many compliments in my whole life as what I have gotten in the last two months. I love my new body. I feel extremely sexy and my husband can't keep his hands off me. I feel wonderful, I look great and the world loves the new me. But most of all- I LOVE the NEW ME. Thank you Penny and the Best Weight Loss programme

Jane 15 years At school I was always teased about my weight. I could never take part in various sporting activities because of my weight. I have lost 25 kgs and cannot believe the difference I feel, and the way people treat me. When I was fat no one would bother with me, now everyone wants to be my friend.

Infertility - sole destroyer I have had 13 attempts at invitro to try and fall pregnant. It became so bad that I thought I would never be able to give my husband a child. I joined Penny and her team and she guided me through the process of losing weight, once the weight was off I went for the last attempt at Invitro, Penny explained what I should do before the procedure, it was successful. Thanks will never be enough.

11 years married no children Both my husband and I were over weight, we had been married 11 years and no children, we had given up hope of ever having a family, and I lost 30kgs my husband 50kgs when I discovered I was pregnant. I had to stop dieting because I was pregnant; my husband finished and looked fantastic. My pregnancy went well without any complications. A big Thank you to all concerned

This is the best I have felt in years I am 70 Years Grandmother and I have lost 19 kgs in 13 weeks I was the first person allowed on the programme at my age, at first I was turned down, after much persuasion I managed to obtain my programme. I have tried all types of well known diets, even lectured for one of the major weight loss company the only problem was that I always put the weight back on. I have lost my weight, came off all medication and never felt better. I never cheated once, nor was I tempted to cheat. This is because I followed the programme to the "T" and boy!! I feel great. The bonus is having nice small cloths to wear again and of course the constant compliments. I tell everyone about the Best Weight Loss programme because I believe it the BEST....